Team - Het, Minji & Suvina

Project Brief 📝

Create a midterm project to demonstrate that you can design and create an interactive system with physical computing. Since the midterm critique is on Halloween, your midterm project can (and should) have a Halloween theme.

Brainstorming 🧠

All of us went back to the drawing board and individually came up with bunch of fun ideas. One common thought we all had was - Since it would be Halloween on the critique day, let’s make something to scare people.

We took some time, did our research and came back together to discuss and review each idea.

We had a good internal critique session. Upon considering the timeline, our knowledge extent and the feasibility, we decided to pursue the Falling Spider Idea.

We had researched about the Ultrasonic Sensor, so we knew the working of it.

Installation Place❓

Now, the next big question was - Where do we install this?

Installation was a crucial part of our project. We had to think about the interaction which would be the first touchpoint.

Fig 2.1

Fig 2.1

Fig 2.2

Fig 2.2

Fig 2.3

Fig 2.3

To enter the studio, we all have to scan our ID Cards here (Fig 2.1). We thought this would be the perfect place to deploy our project. When a person would try to scan their ID to enter the studio, the spider will drop on their hand and it will spook them. This was our thought process and we were pretty excited about it. We marked the positions (Fig 2.2, 2.3) and started working on the construction of The Spooky ID Scanner.


Based on the initial sketch, we listed down the components that we will require

Circuit / Schematic 📝


Working ⚙️

The working is pretty simple on paper. The Ultrasonic sensor will detect the object (in this case, the hand of the user) and it will send back a signal to the Arduino which will trigger the Servo Motor, the Speaker and the LEDs.